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NEW! Portland: Winter Warmer Walking Tour

Quick Details

Portland, Maine is a world-class food destination year-round!

We don’t shut down or cower when the thermometer sags. We have mighty snow-clearing equipment, wear practical footwear, dress in layers, and are prepared for the weather. We clear our sidewalks professionally so we can get on with it.

Remember when winter was fun? There is nothing better than coming in from the cold for a necessary social outlet with new friends, sharing hot drinks, soup, stories, and fellowship close by a fire. Actual, not just virtual socializing. Think of it as aprés-ski, but in an urban context, without the ski hill, ice-fishing without the lake, a hike from warming hut to warming hut. Winter is no time to isolate.

Find your spots when the lines are short. We are denizens of the north; hygge is what a Maine winter should be.